Autor Téma: Lego Trains in Kosice  (Prečítané 5628 krát)

Odhlásený Derived-Croak

  • Príspevkov: 10
Lego Trains in Kosice
« : 07. Január 2021, 14:36:21 »
Sorry, I don't speak Slovak.
I'm living in Kosice and was wondering if there were any users that are interested in Lego trains in the city?

Odhlásený papluh

  • Príspevkov: 4488
Re: Lego Trains in Kosice
« Odpoveď #1 : 07. Január 2021, 14:54:16 »

It would be nice to add more info.
Are you looking to build, show, sell, buy, ... ?

Do you have anything to present ?

Also at least first name would be nice...

Odhlásený Derived-Croak

  • Príspevkov: 10
Re: Lego Trains in Kosice
« Odpoveď #2 : 07. Január 2021, 15:26:57 »
My name is Jay
I recently purchased the 60198 Freight Train set and then some parts to make two additional freight wagons.
I'd like to try 'switching' or 'operations' as it's called in the model railway community so I need to build several wagons.

I've also tried modelling some stock from Košická detská historická železnica in

It's a problem now with COVID but I was wondering if there were any groups or users who have bigger layouts and run trains together.

Odhlásený papluh

  • Príspevkov: 4488
Re: Lego Trains in Kosice
« Odpoveď #3 : 07. Január 2021, 20:14:51 »
first,  a lot of our members are based in the western part of Slovakia including myself, so I don't know if there is something happening in Kosice and around unless the locals share it with us

As far as meet go, we don't have some regular ones where we would just build railways.  In pre-covid times we had some of weekend displays usually as part of some bigger municipal events, but those were again only where locals are active (specifically in last years it was the locals from Trnava region). There of course a train loop or two is a display that is quickly set up and attracts attentions.
Some of the older events here or here
Once this situation is over and event start it would be nice if somebody could organize some people around the eastern part as well :D

Outside of this we have some bigger long term exhibits around Slovakia where trains a used in the city display (but those are of the 9V technology) or there is one builder who does niece static local trains - you can find those in this thread

As your digital builds go, feel free to share them here.

Odhlásený muffin

  • Príspevkov: 775
Re: Lego Trains in Kosice
« Odpoveď #4 : 10. Január 2021, 10:51:57 »

I'm living in Kosice, too. Unfortunetely, I'm not in LEGO trains, my interest is mostly in Technic, and for last couple of years also in our LUG project of MicroCity. As papluh mentioned before, most of our LUG members are in western part of Slovakia, here in Kosice I don't know about anyone else, but me. Which of course doesn't mean, that there isn't someone else, it only means, that there aren't more active members in this forum from our city.

Odhlásený Derived-Croak

  • Príspevkov: 10
Re: Lego Trains in Kosice
« Odpoveď #5 : 12. Január 2021, 11:46:32 »
Thank you for the information papluh and muffin.